Saturday, March 5, 2011

Time for a new window display....

Okay, so I'm a bit late on these, but in all fairness, they're still up in my window.  These are the beautiful Doily Ornaments by Katarina Roccella. I got six snowflakes this year for the window, and combined them with some little gold stars I found,  as well as a few other things that were around the house (an old bell, handmade of course, and some metal birds that wanted to join the display).  My previous display (that was up the entire year) was handmade Mexican tin stars, which were not kid friendly.  I realize that now it is March, and the snow has (fingers crossed) stopped falling for the year, but my little daughter loves it so much I can't really bring myself to take it down.  At least until there is something to replace it with.

And rumor has it there are leather ornaments coming soon from Moxie and Oliver and felt ornaments coming soon from Ordinary Mommy.  So I should have some kid-friendly springtime ornaments up soon!

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